You’re Invited!

10:30am Sunday Mornings
Union Theological Seminary - James Chapel
3041 Broadway @ 121st Street
New York, NY 10027

Service streamed via Zoom.

Our worship blends liturgy with contemporary and traditional music as we approach and respond to God.  We apply the Bible to life issues, hear personal stories, and celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly.


Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do with my kids?

1. Sign In

Before service begins, if you have children age 2 and older, sign your child in at the Welcome Table right outside the sanctuary. Make sure to obtain a name tag for each child, as this will help the volunteers get to know the children and check off the attendance list so the teachers know who to expect in their class. Children 6 - 23 months old can be dropped off in the nursery (room AD-30) at 10:15am and remain there until the Lord’s Supper during service. Classes offered:

Toddlers: (2.5 yrs-PreK) - Stewart Room (2nd floor)
Younger Elementary (1st-3rd grade) - room 307
Older Elementary (4th-6th grade) - room 303

2. Worship

Children are invited to worship with their parents in the worship service until they are dismissed for Sunday School class prior to the sermon. But know, children are welcome to remain in the main worship space for the whole service.

3. Sunday School

At the pastor’s dismissal, Children’s Ministry volunteers will meet children near the entrance of the sanctuary and bring them to classrooms for Sunday School.

4. Communion

After the sermon, children in the Nursery and Toddlers classes are picked up by their parents. All other children will return to the chapel with their teachers. Non-communing children (those who have not been admitted to the Lord’s Table by the elders) are prayed for by the elders. Families return to their seats together for the final hymn and close of service.


How long is the service?

We begin at 10:30am and typically end around 12:00pm.

I don’t usually go to church –
how will I know what to do?

We post a weekly Order of Worship which provides a basic outline of the service.  Those who lead from the front will move us through the service, so you shouldn’t have to guess what to do at any given time.  The songs and written prayers will be on the screen on the platform. They are also posted with the Order of Worship.

Is there a dress code?

Come as you are.  On Sundays you’ll see a variety of styles, but most people dress casually.

Are you wheelchair accessible?

Yes. After you enter on Broadway (3041 Broadway) at 120th Street, turn left from the lobby and continue around the cloister (2 right turns). Continue straight and to the left of the stairs for the elevator. James Chapel is on the 1st floor. You can ask the security guard for detailed directions to the James Chapel.


Do you take an offering?

We do not take an offering during the service. Those in our community have been supporting the work of our church through the options on our Giving page.

What do I do during communion?

We have communion/the Lord’s Supper every Sunday.  Baptized Christians who are part of a Christian church are welcome to join us (you don’t need to be a member of our church or denomination).  Our practice is that those in attendance come forward by row, are served the bread and cup, and take the elements back to their seats. All participating partake together once everyone has been served.  All our bread is gluten-free. We do use wine, but for those who refrain from alcohol for personal or theological reasons, the outer cups in the tray (the clear ones, as opposed to the purple ones) are grape juice.


Is it ok for people who are not Christian to come?

Yes, all are welcome to join with us.  We hope to be a place where people who want to learn about Christianity can come and participate at whatever level they are comfortable.  The last part of the service involves what the church calls “communion” or “the Lord’s Supper” – this is a Christian practice in which baptized Christians eat and drink together in a symbolic fashion (each person has a small piece of bread and small cup of wine) in remembrance of Jesus.  Jesus tells his followers to do this, and we understand the Bible to teach that those who are not followers of Jesus should not eat and drink the elements that are served.  You are welcome to be with us and observe as we do this.  You are invited to come forward as others do, but instead of taking the elements you can simply keep your hands at your side and one of the servers will pray a brief prayer of blessing for you.  Alternatively, you are welcome to remain in your seat and simply observe if that is preferable.  We hope to create a non-pressure environment where people who are interested in Christianity can come and learn, but without being pushed on anything.


What do you recommend regarding COVID?

We ask that all attendees comply with CDC guidelines for preventing transmission.

CDC recommendations for preventing the spread of respiratory viruses can be found here.

Are you affiliated with Union Theological Seminary?

No, we are grateful to rent such a beautiful and historic worship space from them on Sundays.

With what denomination are you affiliated?

We are part of the Presbyterian Church in America.


Sunday Prayer

Sunday Morning Prayer

9:45am – 10:15am
Room 305 (Through the cafeteria, up the stairs on your right to the third floor, or take elevator by ground floor bathrooms to third floor).
This is a small gathering at which we pray for the church, the city, and the world.

Post-Service Prayer

We would love to pray with you. After each service, there are two members at the front of the sanctuary (stage left) – simply come forward and they will pray for you.

Healing Prayer

In keeping with James 5:13-16, our elders are available to offer prayers with anointing for healing for any who ask. Contact any elder.